Pou Herenga Tai
Twin Coast
Cycle Trail
Business development, marketing, PR
This website digitally supports the cycle trail by including features such as fully featured directory listings, mobile friendly, regularly updated and maintained content, video, google interactive maps, downloadable content, quick access to surveys, a members only area and more.
A customer treasure trove of information that is easy to navigate.
Behind the scenes – Search Engine Optimization, Administration Updates, Security and Backup services and Training as required.
Photo Shoots
A Picture says a thousand words and a great photo helps sell your product
A video can tell a story often better that still images - the trail itself is a journey - the video showed the journey and all 'parts' of it.
Working alongside our videographers to tell the right story fo the client suited to the product - we engage 'talent', write the 'script' and ensure the shoot goes to plan - getting permissions, continuity and any operational infrastructure needed for the film shoot.
Then at the end of the filming we work alongside our videographers to cut the hours of footage to tell the 'right' story! For social media shares, websites, or to send direct to clients.